Familiar Gourds

These in the alcove are the gourds you often see in the traditional costume plays or in the waists of ornamental raccoon dogs.

A Row of Gourds

These are a row of smaller to medium gourds.

Gourds in the Title Page.

These are gourds used for the title page of this site.


If you drink liquor from this bottle gourd,it would taste good. By the way, I have not tried it yet.

Cute Gourds

These are so cute that I wanted to place them here. A cow made from soap is a compliment to them, isn't it?

Dignified Gourds

This work consists of three small and two large gourds. They are impressive enough to be placed here, I thought.

Notice of next page

A part of a gourd seen in the above picture will be shown on the next page. Guess what kind of bird it is?